EPiServer CMS 6 Filemanager thumbnail bug
November 15th, 2010In the Filemanager there’s a checkbox stating “Show thumbnails” which is supposed to show thumbnail images in the file list. We discovered that the images shown are in fact still full size.
I reported this tiny bug in the filemanager of EPiServer CMS 6 (6.0.530.0) a few days ago, and although EPiServer could reproduce it, I’m still confused by the fact that some websites with the very same version works, while others don’t.
Anyway, a quick-and-very-dirty fix for this is to modify [Program Files]\EPiServer\CMS\6.0.530.0\Application\UI\CMS\Hosting\Browse.ascx by adding
style=”max-width:60px; max-height:60px”
to the EPiServer:HostingThumbnailImage tag. Actually, that is pretty much what the CMS does when it works.
Reported as Bug #59137 – Thumbails in the Filemanager are normal size
This was actually NOT a bug in EPiServer, but (foolishly) a control adapter which was included in several projects (and I wasn’t aware of existed) that collided with the HostingThumbnailImage control inside EPiServer CMS. We solved this by inheriting EPiServer.UI.WebControls.ControlAdapters.HtmlHeadAdapter instead of System.Web.UI.WebControls.Adapters.WebControlAdapter in the custom image adapter.